Although sedimentation generally could be neglected in predicting subsurface transport for the community of free-living groundwater bacteria, it appeared to be important for the cultured isolates, at least until they readapt to aquifer conditions. Culturing groundwater bacteria resulted in larger (0.8−1.3 μm), less neutrally-buoyant (1.043−1.081 g/cm 3) cells with potential sedimentation rates up to 64-fold higher than those predicted for the uncultured populations. In the aquifer, sinking rates for the uncultured 2-μm size class of contaminant plume bacteria were comparable to that of the bromide tracer (1.9 × 10 - 3 M), also suggesting a low buoyant density. The dwarf (average cell size, 0.3 μm), unattached bacteria inhabiting a pristine zone just beneath the water table and a majority (∼80%) of the morphologically diverse community of free-living bacteria inhabiting a 5-km-long plume of organically-contaminated groundwater had DGC-determined buoyant densities <1.019 g/cm 3 before culturing. Buoyant densities were determined for groundwater bacteria and microflagellates (protozoa) from a sandy aquifer (Cape Cod, MA) using two methods: (1) density-gradient centrifugation (DGC) and (2) Stoke's law approximations using sedimentation rates observed during natural-gradient injection and recovery tests.